Galaxy W (Wonder), the latest mobile phones from the Galaxy series, has been a good news for users of Samsung. In addition to the Galaxy series W Samsung also issued other series, such as the Galaxy M Pro, Y and Y Pro will likely be released soon. as quoted by Engadget.
CPU 1.4 GHz, up to 14.4 Mbps HSDPA connectivity and a screen with 3.7 inch WVGA touchscreen is a feature provided by Galaxy W, while for system operations is Android Gingerbread, according to some information.
Galaxy W product has combination of high performance and style. While the M series (Magic), using a qwerty keyboard technology aimed at professionals, so it can be used for typing email with quick handling.
In addition, the Series Y (Young) is targeted to youth and the markets of developed countries. Samsung seems to really deliver the product very suitable for consumers with features and services that have the best quality.
Are you interested? do not worry, the price of both products seems to be very affordable.