Saturday, September 24, 2011

Easy Payment Via BlackBerry

After a few days ago, Google launched the Mobile Payment via Android device, now the BlackBerry launched a payment service through the levying of a SDK (Software Development Kit) version 1.5. Since its launch in January, the SDK version 1.0 is now a lot of developers create and sell applications through the BlackBerry App World. With the payment service through BlackBerry device, then developers automatically offers application and wares digitally of their merchandise.

Payment Service via BlackBerry SDK 1.5 is designed to allow developers to increase customer quickly without having to learn the latest API (Application Program Interface). New SDK provides a service to check the status of the subscription and the ability to cancel subscriptions. BlackBerry Payment Service can manage the customers updates automatically and send reminders of renewal and acceptance to the user. note : the application with the subscription service will require users to use the latest BlackBerry App World 3.0 and installed on the device.