Latest LG smartphone now comes with the name of LG SU880 or Optimus Ex. This smartphone has a dual-core processor Tegra 2 1.2GHz, 1GB RAM, 8GB of internal memory and can be upgraded to a higher, 4-inch WVGA NOVA screen IPS, 5 megapixel of camera, with 1080p video recording, using the Android operating system 2.3.4 or Ginger Bread and using 1500 mAh batteries. LG Optimus Ex have a weighs 127g and the thickness of only 9.65mm.
Smartphone LG Optimus Ex is available in two colors silever or black, and white or champagne gold on the network SK Telecom of Korea. This smartphone will be released in October later. but, the price of this smartphone is not yet known. and unknown whether this smartphone will be sold to international markets or only for South Korea alone.