Motorola will launch Latest smartphone, and its named Motorola Admiral. This Smartphone is now ready to be launched and will cooperate with several leading vendors such as Sprint and the others. Motorola Smartphone Admiral has 3.1-inch full VGA screen, use the Android 2.3 or Gingerbread as operating system, with candy bar shape and a qwerty keyboard, connectivity with Wi-Fi. Also available for the Direct Connect service that substitute for the push to talk service.
In addition to the above features, Motorola Admiral also has specification like a using Qualcomm chipset MSM 8655 1.2 GHz, 4GB of storage memory, available calendar and email application, 1860 mAh for battery, 5MP camera on the back with a flash and can record images with size up to 720p HD, also available for GPS, and Motorola Admiral is resistant to vibration and shocks, solar radiation, extreme temperatures and low pressure. Price: Unknown.